Reverb 10 | Prompt 22 | Travel

December 22 – Travel

“How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year? (Author: Tara Hunt)”

{Future Tool: New Year’s Goal Questions for No-Goals Creatives from Jeffrey Davis. For the next 10 days as you round out your year, the Reverb 10 Crew and Jeffery Davis we’ll share one tool each day to help you plan your year ahead.}

Travel as always been a big thing for me and something I can never get enough of! It has been way to long since I have been back to Europe and I am dying to go back but I do not think it is in the cards for 2011 and that is okay there are many there places I can venture for 2011 and have great experiences.

This is where I traveled in 2010

  • July: London, ON/St. Jacob’s Road Trip & San Francisco for HR Star Conference
  • August: Florida with BF’s Family
  • October: Frankenmuth, MI with BF’s Brother & Blue Mountain for Company Retreat
  • December: Cancun with friend’s from Work

Not the longest or most exciting list but sometimes I think I expect too much when it comes to traveling since I have been so blessed in previous year’s. I sometimes think I worry to much with the actually destination rather than actually trying to make the most of where I am at the present. So many local places have a so much to offer and I really want to take advantage of that this year. I also want to travel more with work, below is my wish list of places I would like to travel to in 2011.

Las Vegas
San Diego
Quebec City (been before but would love to go back with the BF again)
New York (want to take the BF!)
Waterloo (for Oktoberfest)

I think that list is long enough since I am also trying to save for a down payment for my first house!!

Reverb 10 | Prompt 21 | Future Self

December 21 – Future Self

“Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?) (Author: Jenny Blake)”

Advice I would give myself a 5 years from now…
– Be patience and enjoy the journey with the ones you love!
– Make the best with the life you got, you are lucky and have the world at you finger tips.
– Remember you are not defined but what you have but what you bring to others.
– You may think life is complicated now but enjoy it because there is a lot lying ahead of you!
– You are strong, believe that!

Signing off for now,
Future Self 🙂

Reverb 10 | Prompt 20 | Beyond Avoidance

December 20 – Beyond Avoidance

“What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?) (Author: Jake Nickell)”

I have been avoiding fitness…. I should be active 2-3 weeks but instead I find myself sleeping in and making excuses for why I can’t make it to the gym or get on my Wii for a 30 minute workout. I have really let myself down in 2010 but I will be expecting more from myself in 2011!

I will take control of my health and take no excuses! Here I state my commitment to Move More and Eat Less! I am taking on the challenge by Cathy Zielske and going to commit to myself and my body for better health in 2011.

If you are interested in joining me on this challenge check out Cathy’s Blog Post here and get you “Move More Eat Less” journal here. I will be blogging about my progress over the next 12 months.

Reverb 10 | Prompt 19 | Healing

December 19 – Healing

“What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011? (Author: Leonie Allan)”

What did I heal in 2010…. I feel like I have had the opposite effect this year. I have found a real difference in the way my body has been interacting with the outside world. With each cut, blister or bruise I have gotten on this year I feel like they linger longer then past year’s. I am wondering if this is a sign that I am officially getting older… this scares me. Or maybe this is a sign that I need to improve my health and there is hope for me to regain my recovery rate.

Nonetheless this has triggered something new in me for 2011. I want to bring wellness into my lifestyle to ensure that I heal my body has a whole. To do this I want to have it as a drip by drip evolution so it becomes second nature to me;

I will make better food choices
Cut down/out artificial foods and preservatives
I will integrate yoga into my life 2 times a week
I will run two times and week
I will laugh on a regular basis 🙂

Stay tuned for my blog posts on fitness in the coming year : )

Reverb 10 | Prompt 18 | Try

December 18 – Try

“What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it? (Author: Kaileen Elise)”

Wow this is a tough one since I really pushed a lot of my limits in 2010 and left no stone unturned…

But something I have been working on for some time is my patience; for others, in my relationship and with myself. I worked on this quite a lot in 2010 but feel like I fell short on more occasions than I would like to say. I found myself fustrated with others where really I was more frustrated with myself and my short comings.

I want to be able to except the people in my life as they are and appreciate all they have to offer. I want to be able to except the journey I am in and not rush to reach the final destination, but enjoy what I have not and be patience for what comes next. I do not want to take people for granted in the present since that is all we have.

I will take the challenge on again in 2011 and plan to have more success then I did in 2010. I will know that I have achieved this goal because the people in my life will be at ease in my presence and I will feel at ease with myself. There will be a space for me to have joy within the relationships I have currently and new relationships on 2011.