Raise Your Glass to these Amazing Clever Girls!

Check out this video that features some amazing ladies from the Clever Girls Collective!!

Click Here : )

Credit goes to these amazing ladies;

Alissa – @havestroller

Amy – @theBitchinWife

Denise – @sdenise

Kelli – @mommaneedsbeer

Michele – @scrappinmichele


Test Test…. Hello blogasphere! I am trying a new tool that will hopefully allow me to blog a little easier (which leads to me blogging more often). Testing out Posterous and hope that it pushes to my blogspot blog and I can post on the go from my phone since I am unable to find an app for Blogger/blogspot.

What blogger apps to you use on your phone that you find helpful?

Where is Haiti Now? Heart of Haiti Project

As we come to the anniversary of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti, we start to have our thoughts wonder back to the country and we wonder, Where are they now? The quake on Jan. 12, 2010, killed 200,000 people across Haiti, including 58 Canadians, and left hundreds of thousands more homeless.

After all the front line efforts that were made to raise funds shortly after the life altering event I wonder where do they stand now? Have we forgotten about them and moved on with our lives since they feel so far away? I find myself asking when was the last time I have thought about the earthquake the destroyed Haiti? Honestly, not since last February when all the “hype” and celebrity funding winded down and we moved onto the next big story. That is hard to admit but it was definitely an eye opener for how my charity focus can come on go based on which celebrity is backing up the newest trendy cause.

Through the Clever Girls Collective the organization founded by Willa Shalit, Heart of Haiti was brought to my attention. This is one organization that has taken strides to continue to support Haiti in this time of need. In partnership with Macy’s they are providing a channel for Haitian artisans to sell handcrafted goods tot he mass in the US.

Here is what the Heart of Haiti Organization has to say:

“From recycled oil drums and wrought iron to paper mache and stone, Haitian artisans transform some of the most unlikely materials into extraordinary art. These one-of-a-kind crafts reflect a rich culture and history and the Haitians unwavering drive to rebuild their lives in the face of tremendous adversity.

Give a Gift that Gives Back
Proceeds form Heart of Haiti purchases help provide better nutrition, improve education and health care-life-changing resources for the artisans and their families.”

In partnership with Fairwinds Trading and BrandAid Haiti

For more information follow this link – http://bit.ly/HeartofHaiti-ShopforABetterWorld

My only other wish is that a Canadian department store a would join forces with Macy’s to bring these items to Canada. What to you think The Bay?Any other takers??

You can find Heart of Haiti on Twitter (hashtag: #HeartofHaiti) and Facebook.

K. Paterson

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I was selected for this very special “CleverHaiti” opportunity by Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity. All opinions are my own.

What I am Proud of Today…

So with January being well on its way, the lingering talk of resolutions gets dim as each day passes. We all make promises to ourselves or loved ones in the glimmering light of the new year’s ball and find ourselves making excuses for our failed resolutions over the next coming weeks.

I have decided to acknowledge all I am proud of so far even if I have not been 100% perfect or been able to accomplish all the resolutions I stated at the end of 2010

– I have not driven to work since the new year started, thus saving money!
– I have been on the Wild Rose D-Tox for three days, nine more to go!
– I have been at work before 8:45am everyday to ensure I do not miss my morning meeting.
– Been in bed by 9pm to wind down for the night and get shut eye by 10pm

Not too bad, I could now list a bunch of things I also promised on New Year’s Eve that I haven’t accomplished but I don’t think that would be productive. Instead I am going t celebrate my successes to date!

Reverb 10 | Prompt 23 | New Name

December 23 – New Name

“Let’s meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why? (Author: Becca Wilcott)”

Well I really like my name “Katie” but my legal name is Katherine so really I wouldn’t change a thing.

I always introduce myself at Katie but will also answer to Kate.

Short and sweet! Nothing to see here!! 🙂